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您当前的位置:主页 >> 云南省曲靖越钢有限公司

The Qujing Yuezhou Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. is a private enterprise, which grew out of the former Yuezhou Steel Mill. The Company has a prime location with convenient transport facilities, for it is situated in Yuezhou Township, Qilin District, Qujing, Yunnan, which is near the source of the Pearl River. It is 160 km away from Kunming and 25 km away from the city of Qujing, 30 km from Qujing Railway Station on the Guiyang-Kunming railway and 60 km from Zhaokua Railway Station on the Nanning-Kunming railway. The 326 National Highway passes by. In addition, the company is near the raw material and fuel bases.
With a history of 34 years, the company has an annual production capacity of 300,000-ton pig iron, 400,000-ton machine-processed coke, 80,000-ton cement and 100,000-㎡ colorful high-strength cement hollow blocks, and can generate 1500-Kwh electricity a year. It consists of 2 iron works, 1 coking plant, 1 cement works, 1 new wall material factory and 3 subsidiary companies engaging in transportation, technological development and general service. Covering an area of over 600 mu (i.e. 40 ha.), the company has complete living and welfare facilities. It has developed into a medium-sized enterprise with a staff of over 1074, engaged in metallurgy, coking and building materials. Its total assets add up to 350 million RMB Yuan, with an annual gross sales volume of 400 million RMB Yuan and revenues of over 40 million RMB Yuan in 2004.
The company was approved by the ISO9001:2000 international quality certification system in 2002, and has successively awarded “Unit Observing Contracts and Maintaining Integrity” by governments. It mainly produces pig iron by GB/T717—1998 and GB717—82 standards, cement by GB1344—1999 standard, and wall materials by GB8239—1997 and GB15229-1994 standards. Its products sell well not only in Yunnan Province but also in many other provinces, which always attract a great number of regular consumers and clients.
The company obtained the power to engage in import and export trade in 2000, and entered foreign processing trade, i.e. importing iron ore from Vietnam and processing it into pig iron for export. By 2002, its total volume of import and export added up to 520,000 $ with an income of 470,000 $ in foreign exchange. Due to its conspicuous achievements in foreign trade, the company has earned several honorary titles, such as “Grade-A Honorable Foreign-Exchange-Earning Unit” from the State General Administration of Foreign Exchange Control and Yunnan Provincial Department of Foreign Economy and Trade, “Advanced Enterprise with Foreign Economy and Trade” from Qujing Municipal People’s Government, “Advanced Foreign-Exchange-Earning Enterprise” from Qujing Municipal Bureau of Foreign Economy and Trade, and so on. By seizing the opportunity of soon establishing China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, it has also been striving to seek international economic and technological cooperation. In 2002, it carried out an operation with a Vietnamese enterprise. They jointly invested in setting up a Vietnamese-Chinese joint foundry in Vietnam, which can produce 12,000 tons of pig iron cast tubes a year. After it went into production in August 2008, this project brings along an annual export of 10,000 tons of pig iron and 6,000 tons of coke, earning over 1.5 million US dollars every year. Indeed, the company has set a good example in steady development by “promoting cooperation through trade and increasing trade through cooperation”.
越钢公司有一支好的、特别能战斗的职工队伍,有一个团结务实、开拓进取的领导班子,有较好的企业管理基础。公司领导班子与全体职工将在党的十六大精神的指引下,自强不息,开拓创新,使企业逐步做强做大。  越钢人遵循“诚实守信”的经营理念,愿与国内外有识之士广交朋友,并热忱欢迎四海客商洽谈合作,共谋发展。Boasting tremendous technological strength, the Qujing Yuezhou Iron and Steel Co. Ltd owns a technical and managerial staff with specialized education and competent qualifications. By placing “quality and prestige” in the utmost important position and by adopting equality and mutual benefit as our policy, we aim to develop business relations with traders all over the world through the observation of contracts and the maintenance of our commercial integrity. 

地址:    云南省曲靖市越州镇
   邮编:    655003
   传真:    0874-3939324 
   党群部:    0874-3939330  
   营销部:    0874-3939321
   进出部:    0874-3939329

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