您当前的位置:主页 >> 云南亚贡食品有限公司供应雪莲果

雪莲果野生于南美洲的安第斯山脉,当地人称“YACON”亚贡(神果之意)。学名Smallanthus sonchifolius。是土著民族印第安人用来祭神与治病的神果。它神奇的药用价值与保健功能直到20世纪才被欧洲科学家发现,并迅速在发达国家中传播。经我公司科技人员的不懈努力,雪莲果终于在云南省师宗县引种成功。

Introduction to Yunnan Yacon Food Co., Ltd
The Yunnan Yacon Food Co., Ltd, which is a private enterprise, is located in Shizong County, Yunnan Province. It is principally engaged in the seed introduction, spread and further processing of yacon.
Originating from the Andes Mountains in South America, wild smallanthus sonchifolius (i.e. the scientific name for yacon) is called yacon (meaning God’s fruit) by the indigenes. The indigenous Indians started to use it as a medicine and an oblation long ago. It was in the 20th century that European scientists found its medical uses and health functions and then spread it in Western countries. By enduring efforts, this plant was successfully introduced and grown in Shizong.
The fruitage of snow lotus root looks like sweet potato, with glittering and translucent pulp. It is popular because it is not only juicy, sweet, crisp, and refreshing and pleasant to taste, but also is rich in fruit oligose, which makes up 60-65% of dry snow lotus root. That is why it is called a magic fruit. Fruit oligose, which is also called bifidus factor, is a soluble dietary fiber. Yacon’s medicinal effects manifest themselves in clearing heat and fire, eliminating toxicant, reducing weight, and curing constipation. Yacon can effectively help prevent diseases like hardening of coronary artery and cardiovascular disease, activate immunity and decompose carcinogens. In short, yacon is really a medicine and health fruit, and so it has great market prospects.
The Company produces fresh yacon, oil roasted yacon powder, and yacon juice. Its products sell very well like hot cakes at market.


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